Why the Act of Writing is a Sacred Practice

When you think of writing, do you think of learning to write cursive back when you were in elementary school? Do you think of jotting down notes in college or handwriting thank you cards during the holidays? Do you think of your journaling practice?

In each of those moments of writing, did you know you were engaging in more than just spelling, language, and mechanics?

You were engaging in a sacred practice.

Writing as a Sacred Practice

Did you know that many ancient writings, including Sanskrit and Hieroglyphics, are not just languages, but they are forms of sacred geometry?

That’s right – these ancient languages are deeply connected to the universal energy of sacred geometry.

Girl writing in her journal after reading Eileen Anne's transformative poetry

What is Sacred Geometry?

Sacred geometry is the study of visual expressions that connect to universal energy.

These geometric patterns, shapes, and proportions hold the blueprint of creation, e.g. the merkaba, the flower of life, the Fibonacci sequence.

Holding profound spiritual and energetic significance, these universal patterns connect mathematics, science, nature, and spirituality, showing the harmony of the universe.

Sacred geometry exists in nature. It is seen through the symmetry of a flower, the patterns on seashells, the hexagonal structures of a bee’s honeycomb.

Many people use spiritual practices and visualization to connect with these universal patterns. However, this connection can be found through writing.

Ancient Writing as Sacred Geometry

Now that we’ve covered sacred geometry, let’s talk about how it’s linked to many ancient languages. These languages include Sanskrit, Hieroglyphics, Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Chinese, Mayan Glyphs, Tibetan Script, Sumerian, and Cuneiform.


Sanskrit is considered to be a language of sacred sound and sacred geometry. Not just a written language, it is a divine vibrational language. The shapes of the letters, the way they are pronounced, and their meaning all hold beautiful sacred significance.

Writing or chanting these sacred letters is considered to be a divine act of alignment. Sanskrit is phonetically perfect, meaning all of its sounds align with natural vibrations which harmonize the chakras.

The written form of Sanskrit, Devanagari script, is designed with symmetrical curves and balanced proportions. This reflects universal harmony found in nature, such as symmetry and flow.

When you write (or meditate) on Sanskrit letters, it activates and aligns the chakras. This creates a divine flow of energy within.

Take-Away Message: When we write, we create our own balance and flow, realigning ourselves by letting the energy flow through us.


Like most, I was taught in school that Egyptian hieroglyphics were a writing system. However, hieroglyphics is a sacred art form with deep spiritual meaning.

Each hieroglyph was both a word and a symbol of the divine. For example, the Eye of Horus was designed with specific proportions and represented protection, wisdom, and cosmic balance. The parts of the eye corresponded to fractions, linking it to the precision of sacred geometry.

They were deliberately placed in temples, tombs, and monuments to create harmony between earthly and divine realms.

Writing (or carving them) was believed to activate its power.

Thus, writing the name of a deity was a way to call forth their presence.

Take-Away Message: We can take this message into today – calling forth God, angels, ascended masters, god/goddess through writing. We can also take this message into the power of manifestation. When we write affirmations or goals, we are writing them into existence.

Writing was a sacred practice.

More Ancient & Sacred Languages

Hebrew is the language of divine creation, as their letters are seen as energetic building blocks. Each letter has a numerical value, a symbolic meaning, and a spiritual vibration. Hebrew letters were seen as sacred tools of manifestation.

Greek is the language of philosophy and sacred knowledge, as the Greek alphabet is deeply connected to mathematical and geometric principles. Ancient Greeks used language to bridge human thought and understanding of the cosmos.

The Mayan language incorporated glyphs that aligned with their cosmic calendar, linking their activity to celestial cycles.

Tibetan Script is considered the language of enlightenment. The writing of these mantras was a form of meditation and devotion.

Sumerian Cuneiform, one of the oldest scripts, was used to record prayers and offerings onto clay tablets, which was deeply ritualistic.

All of these ancient languages remind us that writing is much more than communication and grammar rules.

Writing, then and now, is a deeply spiritual practice, a form of meditation, and a way to align with universal energies.

So, is English Sacred?

English doesn’t have the same ancient origins or sacred designs as Sanskrit or Hebrew. Well actually… a few letters like A, B, and C have origins in the Phoenician and Greek alphabets.

Regardless, it is absolutely is sacred.

We are creating shapes that carry meaning and energy. When written from the heart, our words become carriers of our unique vibration.

Writing Carries Energy

When someone writes, no matter their language, the words carry the energy of the writer.

When you write from your heart, your words hold a special sacred power.

I have noticed this when I host my open mic nights. It isn’t about the talent one comes in with, but the sharing of their heart.

One of my first blog posts was about self-worth, and I told a personal story of how low self-worth was threaded through my life.

Healing poetry, chapter four of Eileen Anne's poetry book on realizing self-worth

At the end, I included some affirmations that helped me. One of my Instagram followers messaged me saying that while she has worked with similar affirmations and messages before, there was something about my words that she found deeply healing, and she broke down crying, releasing so much of what she had held.

I’ll always remember this story because I had no idea someone would find my words so deeply moving when there is so much out there.

It was because my energy was weaved through my words, just as yours is when you write.

Writing is Creation

When you are writing, you are creating. It isn’t any different than painting a picture or building a table.

You are creating something from nothing.

That isn’t just writing – that’s a divine act of creation.

We have often been taught by our elders or society that poems are silly or writing is for girls (yes, I heard this very recently).

Many had a diary or journal when they were younger, but no longer have this practice.

As a society, we put more value into creating something we can hold – like a picture or a craft – than something we have written. When really, it’s all the same.

Or maybe, those that struggled in school haven’t picked up the pen to write again… because it brings all of that trauma back.

Writing in any form (mistakes or no mistakes) is a way to weave the unseen into form.

It’s the act of transforming thought into sacred expression.

It’s a spark of creation, which in turn, is exactly what we are.

Since writing mirrors the act of creation, writing can be a ritual of manifestation.

Writing Holds Power

No matter the language, the act of writing has the ability to create, heal, and transform.

Writing taps into the ancient, sacred lineages that used language to realign themselves and connect to nature and divinity.

Through writing my book of poetry, I have healed so much of what I carried.

The simple act of writing and letting the words flow through me and out of me has given me more healing than I ever could have imagined.

I found the gifts and beauty in the hardships, and I found these through writing — tapping into this ancient spiritual practice.

Eileen Anne author of Extraordinary Inner Light sitting on the beach in a yoga pose with her new poetry book on healing trauma and realigning with self

Writing Bridges Inner and Outer Worlds

Writing gives us the ability to externalize our inner world, creating a beautiful connection between our inner selves and our outer worlds.

This is a divinely spiritual and ancient practice that connects us more deeply to ourselves and helps us to make sense of our place in this universe.

This also brings self-reflection into our lives, especially in a society that worships the hustle. Allowing time for reflection is highly meditative, just like the way our ancient languages brought this in.

Writing Reflects the Flow of the Universe

Just like sacred geometry, writing has its own flow and structure.

From the spark of inspiration to the flow of words, to the pattern our words and thoughts create, to the end result of creation — writing mimics the cycles and patterns found in nature and the universe.

The more you write, the more you recognize the patterns in your own writing — the parts that repeat, your style, the way you use imagery, the way you tell a story. You have your own beautiful flow, reflected back at you through nature.

One of my writing patterns is to start in the shadows and end in the sun. I start with a thought or a memory or a question that is weighing me down– a depiction of my shadow self– and I always end finding the glimmer in it.

Writing is Aligned with the Divine

When we write, we have the ability to connect with something bigger than ourselves. We create a channel for our connection with divinity to come through– bringing realizations and truths that we didn’t realize.

Writing can not only connect us with ourselves, but it can be a beautiful channel for all of divinity to flow through.

Writing my poetry about my trauma and past experiences not only helped me to heal, but it brought me closer to all things sacred.

As are they, as are we.

Without a doubt, writing is a sacred practice.

Its roots tie back to the wonders of sacred geometry found in many ancient languages.

Next time, you put pen to paper, realize you are partaking in the sacred dance of creation, bringing the whispers of the universe into being.

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