Healing Through Art

Art has a unique power to heal, inspire, and transform. Whether through poetry, music, painting, or spoken word, creative expression allows us to process emotions, release pain, and connect with our inner strength. At the following events, you are invited to explore the profound connection between creativity and emotional healing, discovering how art can be a pathway to healing, self-acceptance, and community. Below are some monthly creative meetups.

Sunflower Club Open Mic

Each month, Eileen Anne hosts a creative community gathering in South Florida, where community members come together to share poetry, music, and spoken word. Whether you come to listen or to share, each open mic event offers a safe, welcoming space for connection, friendship, and emotional release. It’s a night of community healing, heart-openings, and creative release. It is every First Friday of every month at 7pm at Hani Honey in downtown Stuart.

In a time where so many are navigating difficult emotions, the Sunflower Club Open Mic event provides a magical space to connect and share in the softness and love of artistic self-expression. Sharing poetry has helped Eileen Anne find her voice and find strength in herself. She is honored to hold this space for others to do the same.

Eileen is deeply grateful for the incredible individuals who attend and show up—not just for themselves but for each other. Watching friends, new and old, find the courage to share their stories and embrace the power of their voices is what the Sunflower Club monthly creative meetups are all about.

As our friend Michael says, “You’re only a stranger here once.” Sunflower Club in Stuart is his favorite local poetry events— ours too!

How Sunflower Club Started

Funnily enough, Eileen Anne is not one for center stage. However, as she was writing her way through her trauma and the difficult moments of her life, reading her poems aloud—whether to her husband or herself— brought a whole new level of healing.

Then, Eileen Anne started to attend a few Bhakti circles within the spiritual community. She would share a poem here and there, and she started to notice the power of her once-silenced voice, and how it was bringing her and her audience healing, release, and connection.

Eileen Anne found herself acknowledging, feeling, and releasing emotions through this poetic channel. Some of the trauma she had carried for many years finally found its way out through writing and sharing her healing poetry. It was truly divine!

After these moments of realization, Eileen Anne knew she wanted to share her work with a wider audience— one where they could share too, wondering if it could inspire them or bring them their own sense of healing. After searching endlessly for open mic nights in her local area, she couldn’t find one with the right vibe. So, she decided to create her own.

Surrounded by a lot of encouragement from sweet friends and the guidance of James McCrae who was hosting similar events all the way in Austin, Eileen Anne started a branch of the open-mic style Sunflower Club in Stuart, FL.

The venue for this creative community event is Hani Honey Company, a charming local honey store and cafe, and the owners were more than happy to host the monthly open mic night. It’s been a safe, loving space to host our creative community gathering.

As the Sunflower Club creative gathering approaches its two year anniversary, it has blossomed into a night of connection, creativity, and healing through art. If you are searching for an open mic night in Stuart, Florida—one where you can share your creativity, express your story, or simply listen and connect—the Sunflower Club hosted by local poet Eileen Anne is waiting for you.

It’s a beautiful monthly gathering of self-expression and healing.

More Monthly Creative MeetUps

Interested in another monthly creative gathering? Contact us and let us know what type of community healing or creative writing event you are looking for.

Sunflower Club Tees

Show your creative side with these all-new t-shirt designs, made with Sunflower Club and our love of creativity in mind.

More on Mindfulness

Here is where I share my stories and their connection to mindfulness, healing, love, and spirituality. Be sure to check these stories out, as they have beautiful healing messages and advice. I’m so honored to share these with you. It is my hope that they inspire you find and spread your light brighter than ever before.