Aligning with Your Light

Here is where I share my stories and their connection to mindfulness, healing, love, and spirituality. I’m so honored to share these with you. It is my hope that they inspire to align with your light.

I am Light?

When I was young, I carried a wallet-sized card with me. It was a name card from a local religious store.

Across the top, it shared the meaning of my name – light.

How cool is that?!

Throughout my adolescent and early adult years, every now and then, I would meet someone that I somehow had a profound impact on.

I’ve been honored to have some of these very special people tell me how much joy and light I have brought into their lives.

Just by being me.

I’ve also experienced the love and kindness of others. Those that I call earth angels, who have supported me in beautiful ways during the most difficult times of my life.

None of us are any different than anyone else.

Each of us has a beautiful inner light that is shining in us. We all have the power to be someone’s angel, to bring more happiness to this earthly life.

Maybe you haven’t found your light yet. Maybe you’ve lost sight of it. Or, maybe your light is shining brighter than ever.

No matter where you are, know that you have amazing power within you.

This blog is a place where I will share my stories and their connection to mindfulness, love, and spirituality.

It is my hope that these stories inspire you to align with your light and shine brighter than ever before.

Thank you for spreading more light in our world.

Eileen Anne

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